2024 Seminars đź“–

Tuesday (July 30)

Christian Life In College:

Independence and temptations. Friendships and loneliness. Staying up late on Saturdays and getting up for church on Sundays. Maturing in love and defending your faith. College life can bring great new experiences but also real spiritual challenges for believers in Christ. Join us in this seminar and gain biblical wisdom and readiness for the years ahead!

Called to Ministry:

Interested in becoming a pastor? Want to learn more about what ministry work and the life of a pastor looks like? Have questions about theology, seminary training, and church? The thought of being a pastor can be full of both excitement and uncertainty. Join us in this seminar and learn what being called to ministry is all about!

Complementarianism in Church and Life:

Complementarianism is a wonderful biblical truth about the equal worth and importance of men and women and their distinct and complementary roles in church and in families. But there is great pressure from the world to abandon this truth. Join us in this seminar and learn about complementarianism and its significance in church and Christian life!

Evangelism and Sharing the Gospel:

What is evangelism? What is the gospel? And what does it look like to share the gospel with others? For many believers in Christ, evangelism and sharing the gospel of Jesus can be both the most thrilling and terrifying experience of all. Join us in this seminar and learn what missions and evangelism is all about!

Wednesday (July 31)

The World of Denominations and the PCA:

What is a denomination? What are the differences between us and Roman Catholics, Baptists, or non-denominational churches? Why should I care that my church is a part of the PCA, the Presbyterian Church in America? Denominations matter - otherwise, there wouldn’t be any! Join us in this seminar and learn about denominations and the PCA!

Special Revelation and How God Speaks Through His Word:

What is special revelation? What is so “special” about it? And why should I care? One of the most profound truths about Christianity and our God is that He has spoken words to us - words for faith and life. Join us in this seminar and gain biblical understanding and appreciation for God’s special revelation and the Bible!

Anger and Biblical Counseling:

Verbal outbursts or physical aggression. Heated arguments or bottled-up bitterness. Road rage or bench-clearing brawls. Beef with church members or hatred with family or ex-friends. Anger is a real and common problem that many believers in Christ face. Join us in this seminar and gain biblical wisdom and counseling knowledge about anger!

How To Be Salt And Light In This World:

How should I approach LGBTQ+ or political issues as a Christian? How should I think and act as a Christian at work or at school? What do I say to family members or friends who are against Jesus? It can be hard to live in a world that does not believe in Christ. Join us in this seminar and gain biblical wisdom about how to be salt and light in this world.