Roots is a summer youth retreat that promotes the Reformed Faith and serves the Korean Central Presbytery of the PCA and churches in the Midwest. Come out for the Word of God as we grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ together. See you this summer! ⛱


2019 DATE

Jul 29 - Aug 1


Wheaton, IL



John Chung



Found in Him

Ask Us!

July 23, 2019

We are now accepting questions for our retreat’s Q&A session on Wednesday. Submit your question(s) here! 🔎


July 15, 2019

We now have over 160 students, volunteers, and staff registered for Roots! Praise the Lord! See you all soon! 🎉 🙌


Chicagoland Churches

Bethel Presbyterian ∙ EM / KM
Chicago Covenant Presbyterian ∙ KM
Evergreen Community ∙ EM
First Korean Presbyterian ∙ EM / KM
Highland Presbyterian ∙ EM / KM
Immanuel Presbyterian ∙ KM
Vineyard Presbyterian ∙ EM / KM

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Missouri churches

First Korean Presbyterian ∙ KM
First Korean Presbyterian of STL ∙ KM
Korean Hope Presbyterian ∙ KM
Korean Presbyterian of STL ∙ EM / KM
Onnuri Presbyterian ∙ KM


Minnesota Churches

Korean Presbyterian of Minnesota ∙ EM / KM

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Found in Him・Finding Our Identity in Our Union with Christ

Rev. JOhn Chung・Pastor of spiritual formation at the JourneY

July 29・Monday Evening・Our Identity in Christ as Creation・Genesis 1:26-31
July 30・Tuesday Evening・Our Identity in Christ as Christians・Luke 20:19-26
July 31・Wednesday Evening・Our Identity in Christ as the Church・Philippians 2:1-13


July 29

3:00 pm - Arrival & Registration
4:00 pm - Orientation
5:00 pm - Dinner
6:00 pm - Small Group Icebreakers
7:00 pm - Evening Worship
9:00 pm - Small Groups
10:00 pm - Late Night Program & Snacks

Tuesday & Wednesday

July 30-31

7:15 am - Breakfast
8:00 am - Devotionals & Wash Up
9:30 am - Morning Worship
10:45 am - Small Groups
11:45 am - Lunch
1:00 pm - Seminars & Games
5:00 pm - Dinner
7:00 pm - Evening Worship
9:00 pm - Small Groups
10:00 pm - Late Night Program & Snacks


August 1

7:15 am - Breakfast
8:00 am - Devotionals
8:30 am - Wash Up
9:30 am - Morning Worship
10:30 am - Photo Time
11:00 am - Pack Up & Clean Up
11:30 am - Departure

tue seminars

1・The OMG Church
2・How to Read the Bible
3・A Christian View on Sexuality
4・Missions Regardless

Click here for more details about our seminars

wed seminars

1・When Darkness Seems to Hide His Face
2・Who is the Holy Spirit?
3・The Importance of Prayer
4・Addiction and Gaming

Click here for more details about our seminars

Theology & Approach

We receive the Westminster Confession of Faith and Larger and Shorter Catechisms as accurate summaries of what the Bible teaches.

We seek to emphasize covenant theology, dialogical worship that is centered on Jesus Christ, a healthy assurance of salvation through proper use of the means of grace, and an eschatology that hinges on the return of Christ and his coming kingdom in the new heavens and new earth.

We strive to offer Reformed Presbyterian theology, piety and practice as an alternative to what broad evangelicalism has to offer to young people today.

What to Expect

Worship services that are scriptural, dialogical, reverent and joyful.

Friendships and memories that go beyond the local church, engaging small groups, seminars for personal growth, fun games and friendly competition, and late night activities with a bit of a twist.

Hearty meal times and yummy snacks, air-conditioned sleeping arrangements, and enough free time to play, chat or even take a good and much needed nap.

About 150 people total in attendance. Not too big. Not too small.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the retreat called Roots?

Because youth is a great time to be rooted and built up in Christ and established in the faith (Colossians 2:7).

Can fifth graders or graduating seniors attend Roots?

Absolutely! We welcome incoming 6th graders and incoming college freshmen.

How do I register? Will I need a pillow? Will there be t-shirts?

For questions like these, check out our registration page.

We’re turning seven Years Old this summer! 🥳 🎂 🎉 🎈

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For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him